Pressure Washing & Soft Washing Specialists

Providing Exceptional Service Experiences since 2018!

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Our Goal Is to Provide You an Exceptional Service Experience!

Chris LoPiccolo_7'23

Chris LoPiccolo

Chris started with Grizzly Softwash in February of 2018. Starting as a Project Support Representative (PSR), he quickly developed the skills & knowledge, as well as the experience to move into the role of Project Support Leader. In his role & as an owner in the company, Chris is responsible for your satisfaction in the quality of work that his team performs. An avid bowler (once on a college scholarship) & hiker, Chris likes all things outdoors.

Eli Laing

Eli began work w/ Grizzly Softwash in June of 2020 as a Project Support Representative. Eli brings his energy & "do it right the first time" way of working to our special projects team. He enjoys the outdoors & training his dog Ike!

Richanda Pearigen

Richanda Pearigen joined Grizzly Softwash in March of 2022 as a Project Support Representative. She is a great addition to the Team as she learns the washing business the Grizzly Softwash way! She was formerly in the social/child services profession in Cherokee county, is an avid DYI'er and enjoys time with friends.

Dennis LoPiccolo

After a successful fortune 500 corporate career, spanning sales, marketing and operational group leadership, Dennis partnered with his oldest son to start Grizzly Softwash in January of 2018. Dennis ran the operations and later purchased Grizzly Softwash with the goal to provide an exceptional level of service & quality of services to our clients. Active in the Community as a MC for 1Million Cups-Cherokee & his local church playing guitar for services, his personal vision is to contribute and invest into the growth of his employees and other local entrepreneurs, while providing exceptional quality of services to his clients.

#1 Pressure & Soft Washing Service